
Please click button below to Online Submission System


1. Full paper (English / Thai) submissions are done online through TSAE Conference platform.

2. Log in to Oxford Abstracts TSAE2024 conference by clicking the submission button. Use your Username and Password to log in. If you do not have one, please follow the instruction here to create one

3. Please make sure that the list of authors, the paper title, and other information are correctly registered on the conference registration page.

4. When you submit your paper online, please select the topic which is closely related to the contents of your paper.

5. Full papers should not exceed 8 pages (including all text, figures, references, and appendices). Manuscript Template ( English/ Thai )

6. A conference article (Manuscript template; Full Paper) is an article that has been reviewed by three reviewers using Double-Blind (Peer Review) process. The accepted article will be published in full paper in the conference proceeding.

7. A journal article (Journal Template; Full Paper) is an article that has passed a preliminary selection process and will be further assessed by each journal reviewers. A publication time frame is varied depends on each journal.

8. Author intended to submit the article for journal publication must submit a full article only in the journal template.

9. After reviewing process, if the manuscript is not rejected, the author will be asked to revise/update the manuscript (if any) and submit following documents on the submission website.

10. The technical program committee will send the official acceptance letter to the corresponding author after editing and collecting all documents.

** If the article is rejected by the journal reviewers, authors are allowed to submit the article for proceeding publication **


1. The presented works must be the results of research, thesis, independent research, research work by professors, researchers, bachelor’s degree students, master’s degrees, doctoral students and general interested persons which has never been presented at any research conference before.

2. The publication cost and time frame are varied depending on each journal.

Only oral presentation
Note : Articles that have been considered can be requested for publication from the following scientific journals: